International logistics goods classification

Sea Freight

General cargo channels:Unlicensed clothing, bags, shoes, furniture, home furnishings, household appliances, toys, packaging materials, etc.

Sensitive goods channel:Brand/imitation brand, food, cosmetics, general drinks, batteries/motors, pesticides, ceramic products, raw materials, small electric vehicles, cement and steel, chemical materials, large machinery, etc.

Special offer channels (plus a surcharge): crane machines, game machines, tires, rice, tiles, stone types, beach cars, motorcycles, large electric vehicles, tricycles, masks, protective clothing and other epidemic prevention materials.

Embargoed goods: Flammable and explosive, imitation knives and guns, yellow plates, cigarettes, liquor, drugs, fresh, powder, crystalline particles, etc., and goods prohibited for export by Chinese law.

Air Freight

General cargo channels:Clothes, bags, toys, furniture and home furnishings, home department stores, toys and other unbranded, non-magnetic, non-electric, non-liquid goods.

Sensitive goods channel:Batteries, Bluetooth, cosmetics, magnetic, powder, erotic goods, food, drugs, imitation brands, with magnetic with electricity, oversized and overweight, with liquid and other goods, sensitive goods take general cargo channels have the risk of customs detention, please do not punch the goods.

Special offer channels (plus a surcharge):Medical prevention materials such as masks, protective clothing, frontal temperature guns, and extra-long and extra-regular goods.

Embargoed goods:Cigarettes, pure batteries, animals and plants, medicines, adult products, tobacco and alcohol (including electronic cigarettes, alcohol products), pneumatic sprays, imitation guns, weapons and other goods that do not meet the requirements of IATA and customs.